Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Dad Needs To Die!!!!!!!

My dad can go fall in a pit and die! all he does is yell at me.... i want to just leave but i cant cause i have to stay for my mom.... tahts what sucks im gona get a job to move out and me and my mom can leave and never turn back.....i only wish tahts how my mom felt....shes to stupid to understand what he's doing....hes mentaly abuseing her makeing her think she cant live on her own....makeing her think she needs him....he's allways screaming at us.....i need to leave or i will die.

I Sold My Soul To The Devil

I gave my soul to the devil and now i feel free. i cant feel pain, greif, or sarrow. I can be free and do what ever the hell i want! i dont have to worry about feel bad or getting hurt by someone i can do what i want when i want any time i want! it feels so good to be free. now i dont have to i was before.....i cant beleive how good it feels.... its the best feeling so happy now. but yet not happy.


Love Sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love sucks all it does is hurt..... thats why i cut out my heart and watched all the love go out of me. now i am alone and it is perfect! it can get lonely but my freinds come every now and then and i have new freinds every day. my parents dont care im all alone and i like it used to it. i almost killed my dad the other day.......he doesnt understand how i one has seen my arm yet and im happy i think it would kill my mom.....i care so much about my mom and shes the only reason im still at home i have to keep her safe from my dad....he is now the one person i cant even stand to hear his voice.